Tailwind.css Cheatsheet

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * DOCUMENTATION: https://tailwindcss.com/
 * ******************************************************************************************* */

 * Available breakpoints
 * --------------------
 * sm: min-width: 640px;
 * md: min-width: 768px;
 * lg: min-width: 1024px;
 * xl: min-width: 1280px;

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 * Container
 * --------------------
 * A component for fixing an element's width to the current breakpoint.


 * Box-sizing
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how the browser should calculate an element's total size.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for box-sizing utilities.
 .box-border   /* box-sizing: border-box; */
 .box-content  /* box-sizing: content-box; */
 * Display
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the display box type of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for display utilities.
 .hidden              /* display: none; */
 .block               /* display: block; */
 .inline-block        /* display: inline-block; */
 .inline              /* display: inline; */
 .flex                /* display: flex; */
 .inline-flex         /* display: inline-flex; */
 .grid                /* display: grid; */
 .table               /* display: table; */
 .table-caption       /* display: table-caption; */
 .table-cell          /* display: table-cell; */
 .table-column        /* display: table-column; */
 .table-column-group  /* display: table-column-group; */
 .table-footer-group  /* display: table-footer-group; */
 .table-header-group  /* display: table-header-group; */
 .table-row-group     /* display: table-row-group; */
 .table-row           /* display: table-row; */
 * Floats
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the wrapping of content around an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for float utilities.
 .float-right  /* float: right; */
 .float-left   /* float: left; */
 .float-none   /* float: none; */
 .clearfix     /* &::after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } */
 * Clear
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the wrapping of content around an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for clear utilities.
 .clear-left   /* clear: left; */
 .clear-right  /* clear: right; */
 .clear-both   /* clear: both; */
 * Object Fit
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how a replaced element's content should be resized.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for object-fit utilities.
 .object-contain     /* object-fit: contain; */
 .object-cover       /* object-fit: cover; */
 .object-fill        /* object-fit: fill; */
 .object-none        /* object-fit: none; */
 .object-scale-down  /* object-fit: scale-down; */
 * Object Position
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how a replaced element's content should be positioned within its container.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for object position utilities.
.object-bottom        /* object-position: bottom; */
.object-center        /* object-position: center; */
.object-left          /* object-position: left; */
.object-left-bottom   /* object-position: left bottom; */
.object-left-top      /* object-position: left top; */
.object-right         /* object-position: right; */
.object-right-bottom  /* object-position: right bottom; */
.object-right-top     /* object-position: right top; */
.object-top           /* object-position: top; */
 * Overflow
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how an element handles content that is too large for the container.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for overflow utilities.
.overflow-auto       /* overflow: auto; */
.overflow-hidden     /* overflow: hidden; */
.overflow-visible    /* overflow: visible; */
.overflow-scroll     /* overflow: scroll; */
.overflow-x-auto     /* overflow-x: auto; */
.overflow-y-auto     /* overflow-y: auto; */
.overflow-x-hidden   /* overflow-x: hidden; */
.overflow-y-hidden   /* overflow-y: hidden; */
.overflow-x-visible  /* overflow-x: visible; */
.overflow-y-visible  /* overflow-y: visible; */
.overflow-x-scroll   /* overflow-x: scroll; */
.overflow-y-scroll   /* overflow-y: scroll; */
.scrolling-touch     /* -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; */
.scrolling-auto      /* -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; */
 * Position
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how an element is positioned in the DOM.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for position utilities.

.static    /* position: static; */
.fixed     /* position: fixed; */
.absolute  /* position: absolute; */
.relative  /* position: relative; */
.sticky    /* position: sticky; */

 * Top / Right / Bottom / Left
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the placement of positioned elements.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for top, right, bottom, left, and inset utilities.

.inset-0       /* top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; */
.inset-y-0     /* top: 0; bottom: 0; */
.inset-x-0     /* right: 0; left: 0; */
.top-0         /* top: 0; */
.right-0       /* right: 0; */
.bottom-0      /* bottom: 0; */
.left-0        /* left: 0; */
.inset-auto    /* top: auto; right: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto; */
.inset-y-auto  /* top: auto; bottom: auto; */
.inset-x-auto  /* left: auto; right: auto; */
.top-auto      /* top: auto; */
.bottom-auto   /* bottom: auto; */
.left-auto     /* left: auto; */
.right-auto    /* right: auto; */

 * Visibility
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the visibility of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for visibility utilities.

.visible    /* visibility: visible; */
.invisible  /* visibility: hidden; */

 * Z-Index
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the stack order of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for z-index utilities.

.z-0     /* z-index: 0; */
.z-10    /* z-index: 10; */
.z-20    /* z-index: 20; */
.z-30    /* z-index: 30; */
.z-40    /* z-index: 40; */
.z-50    /* z-index: 50; */
.z-auto  /* z-index: auto; */

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.flex                /* display: flex; */
.inline-flex         /* display: inline-flex; */

 * Flex Direction
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the direction of flex items.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for flex-direction utilities.

.flex-row          /* flex-direction: row; */
.flex-row-reverse  /* flex-direction: row-reverse; */
.flex-col          /* flex-direction: column; */
.flex-col-reverse  /* flex-direction: column-reverse; */

 * Flex Wrap
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how flex items wrap.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for flex-wrap utilities.

.flex-no-wrap       /* flex-wrap: nowrap; */
.flex-wrap          /* flex-wrap: wrap; */
.flex-wrap-reverse  /* flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; */

 * Align Items
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how flex items are positioned along a container's cross axis.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for align-items utilities.

.items-stretch   /* align-items: stretch; */
.items-start     /* align-items: flex-start; */
.items-center    /* align-items: center; */
.items-end       /* align-items: flex-end; */
.items-baseline  /* align-items: baseline; */

 * Align Content
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how lines are positioned in multi-line flex containers.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for align-content utilities.

.content-start    /* align-content: flex-start; */
.content-center   /* align-content: center; */
.content-end      /* align-content: flex-end; */
.content-between  /* align-content: space-between; */
.content-around   /* align-content: space-around; */

 * Align Self
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how an individual flex item is positioned along its container's cross axis.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for align-self utilities.

.self-auto     /* align-self: auto; */
.self-start    /* align-self: flex-start; */
.self-center   /* align-self: center; */
.self-end      /* align-self: flex-end; */
.self-stretch  /* align-self: stretch; */

 * Justify Content
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how flex items are positioned along a container's main axis.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for justify-content utilities.

.justify-start    /* justify-content: flex-start; */
.justify-center   /* justify-content: center; */
.justify-end      /* justify-content: flex-end; */
.justify-between  /* justify-content: space-between; */
.justify-around   /* justify-content: space-around; */

 * Flex
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how flex items both grow and shrink.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for flex utilities.

.flex-initial  /* flex: 0 1 auto; */
.flex-1        /* flex: 1 1 0%; */
.flex-auto     /* flex: 1 1 auto; */
.flex-none     /* flex: none; */

 * Flex Grow
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how flex items grow.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for flex grow utilities.

.flex-grow    /* flex-grow: 1; */
.flex-grow-0  /* flex-grow: 0; */

 * Flex Shrink
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how flex items shrink.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for flex shrink utilities.

.flex-shrink    /* flex-shrink: 1; */
.flex-shrink-0  /* flex-shrink: 0; */

 * Order
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the order of flex items.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for order utilities.

.order-first  /* order: -9999; */
.order-last   /* order: 9999; */
.order-none   /* order: 0; */
.order-1      /* order: 1; */
.order-2      /* order: 2; */
.order-3      /* order: 3; */
.order-4      /* order: 4; */
.order-5      /* order: 5; */
.order-6      /* order: 6; */
.order-7      /* order: 7; */
.order-8      /* order: 8; */
.order-9      /* order: 9; */
.order-10     /* order: 10; */
.order-11     /* order: 11; */
.order-12     /* order: 12; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */

.grid  /* display: grid; */

 * Grid Template Columns
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for specifying the columns in a grid layout.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for grid-template-columns utilities.

.grid-cols-1     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-2     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-3     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-4     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-5     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-6     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-7     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(7, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-8     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(8, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-9     /* grid-template-columns: repeat(9, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-10    /* grid-template-columns: repeat(10, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-11    /* grid-template-columns: repeat(11, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-12    /* grid-template-columns: repeat(12, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-cols-none  /* grid-template-columns: none; */

 * Grid Column Start / End
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how elements are sized and placed across grid columns.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for grid-column utilities.

.col-auto        /* grid-column: auto; */
.col-span-1      /* grid-column: span 1 / span 1; */
.col-span-2      /* grid-column: span 2 / span 2; */
.col-span-3      /* grid-column: span 3 / span 3; */
.col-span-4      /* grid-column: span 4 / span 4; */
.col-span-5      /* grid-column: span 5 / span 5; */
.col-span-6      /* grid-column: span 6 / span 6; */
.col-span-7      /* grid-column: span 7 / span 7; */
.col-span-8      /* grid-column: span 8 / span 8; */
.col-span-9      /* grid-column: span 9 / span 9; */
.col-span-10     /* grid-column: span 10 / span 10; */
.col-span-11     /* grid-column: span 11 / span 11; */
.col-span-12     /* grid-column: span 12 / span 12; */
.col-start-1     /* grid-column-start: 1; */
.col-start-2     /* grid-column-start: 2; */
.col-start-3     /* grid-column-start: 3; */
.col-start-4     /* grid-column-start: 4; */
.col-start-5     /* grid-column-start: 5; */
.col-start-6     /* grid-column-start: 6; */
.col-start-7     /* grid-column-start: 7; */
.col-start-8     /* grid-column-start: 8; */
.col-start-9     /* grid-column-start: 9; */
.col-start-10    /* grid-column-start: 10; */
.col-start-11    /* grid-column-start: 11; */
.col-start-12    /* grid-column-start: 12; */
.col-start-13    /* grid-column-start: 13; */
.col-start-auto  /* grid-column-start: auto; */
.col-end-1       /* grid-column-end: 1; */
.col-end-2       /* grid-column-end: 2; */
.col-end-3       /* grid-column-end: 3; */
.col-end-4       /* grid-column-end: 4; */
.col-end-5       /* grid-column-end: 5; */
.col-end-6       /* grid-column-end: 6; */
.col-end-7       /* grid-column-end: 7; */
.col-end-8       /* grid-column-end: 8; */
.col-end-9       /* grid-column-end: 9; */
.col-end-10      /* grid-column-end: 10; */
.col-end-11      /* grid-column-end: 11; */
.col-end-12      /* grid-column-end: 12; */
.col-end-13      /* grid-column-end: 13; */
.col-end-auto    /* grid-column-end: auto; */

 * Grid Template Rows
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for specifying the rows in a grid layout.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for grid-template-rows utilities.

.grid-rows-1     /* grid-template-rows: repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-rows-2     /* grid-template-rows: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-rows-3     /* grid-template-rows: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-rows-4     /* grid-template-rows: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-rows-5     /* grid-template-rows: repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-rows-6     /* grid-template-rows: repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr)); */
.grid-rows-none  /* grid-template-rows: none; */

 * Grid Row Start / End
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how elements are sized and placed across grid rows.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for grid-row utilities.

.row-auto        /* grid-row: auto; */
.row-span-1      /* grid-row: span 1 / span 1; */
.row-span-2      /* grid-row: span 2 / span 2; */
.row-span-3      /* grid-row: span 3 / span 3; */
.row-span-4      /* grid-row: span 4 / span 4; */
.row-span-5      /* grid-row: span 5 / span 5; */
.row-span-6      /* grid-row: span 6 / span 6; */
.row-start-1     /* grid-row-start: 1; */
.row-start-2     /* grid-row-start: 2; */
.row-start-3     /* grid-row-start: 3; */
.row-start-4     /* grid-row-start: 4; */
.row-start-5     /* grid-row-start: 5; */
.row-start-6     /* grid-row-start: 6; */
.row-start-7     /* grid-row-start: 7; */
.row-start-auto  /* grid-row-start: auto; */
.row-end-1       /* grid-row-end: 1; */
.row-end-2       /* grid-row-end: 2; */
.row-end-3       /* grid-row-end: 3; */
.row-end-4       /* grid-row-end: 4; */
.row-end-5       /* grid-row-end: 5; */
.row-end-6       /* grid-row-end: 6; */
.row-end-7       /* grid-row-end: 7; */
.row-end-auto    /* grid-row-end: auto; */

 * Gap
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling gutters between grid rows and columns.
 * By default, no responsive, hover, focus, active, or group-hover variants are generated for gap utilities.

.gap-0       /* gap: 0; */
.gap-1       /* gap: 0.25rem; */
.gap-2       /* gap: 0.5rem; */
.gap-3       /* gap: 0.75rem; */
.gap-4       /* gap: 1rem; */
.gap-5       /* gap: 1.25rem; */
.gap-6       /* gap: 1.5rem; */
.gap-8       /* gap: 2rem; */
.gap-10      /* gap: 2.5rem; */
.gap-12      /* gap: 3rem; */
.gap-16      /* gap: 4rem; */
.gap-20      /* gap: 5rem; */
.gap-24      /* gap: 6rem; */
.gap-32      /* gap: 8rem; */
.gap-40      /* gap: 10rem; */
.gap-48      /* gap: 12rem; */
.gap-56      /* gap: 14rem; */
.gap-64      /* gap: 16rem; */
.gap-px      /* gap: 1px; */
.row-gap-0   /* row-gap: 0; */
.row-gap-1   /* row-gap: 0.25rem; */
.row-gap-2   /* row-gap: 0.5rem; */
.row-gap-3   /* row-gap: 0.75rem; */
.row-gap-4   /* row-gap: 1rem; */
.row-gap-5   /* row-gap: 1.25rem; */
.row-gap-6   /* row-gap: 1.5rem; */
.row-gap-8   /* row-gap: 2rem; */
.row-gap-10  /* row-gap: 2.5rem; */
.row-gap-12  /* row-gap: 3rem; */
.row-gap-16  /* row-gap: 4rem; */
.row-gap-20  /* row-gap: 5rem; */
.row-gap-24  /* row-gap: 6rem; */
.row-gap-32  /* row-gap: 8rem; */
.row-gap-40  /* row-gap: 10rem; */
.row-gap-48  /* row-gap: 12rem; */
.row-gap-56  /* row-gap: 14rem; */
.row-gap-64  /* row-gap: 16rem; */
.row-gap-px  /* row-gap: 1px; */
.col-gap-0   /* column-gap: 0; */
.col-gap-1   /* column-gap: 0.25rem; */
.col-gap-2   /* column-gap: 0.5rem; */
.col-gap-3   /* column-gap: 0.75rem; */
.col-gap-4   /* column-gap: 1rem; */
.col-gap-5   /* column-gap: 1.25rem; */
.col-gap-6   /* column-gap: 1.5rem; */
.col-gap-8   /* column-gap: 2rem; */
.col-gap-10  /* column-gap: 2.5rem; */
.col-gap-12  /* column-gap: 3rem; */
.col-gap-16  /* column-gap: 4rem; */
.col-gap-20  /* column-gap: 5rem; */
.col-gap-24  /* column-gap: 6rem; */
.col-gap-32  /* column-gap: 8rem; */
.col-gap-40  /* column-gap: 10rem; */
.col-gap-48  /* column-gap: 12rem; */
.col-gap-56  /* column-gap: 14rem; */
.col-gap-64  /* column-gap: 16rem; */
.col-gap-px  /* column-gap: 1px; */

 * Grid Auto Flow
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how elements in a grid are auto-placed.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for grid-auto-flow utilities.

.grid-flow-row        /* grid-auto-flow: row; */
.grid-flow-col        /* grid-auto-flow: column; */
.grid-flow-row-dense  /* grid-auto-flow: row dense; */
.grid-flow-col-dense  /* grid-auto-flow: column dense; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
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 * Padding
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling an element's padding.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for padding utilities.

.p-0    /* padding: 0; */
.p-1    /* padding: 0.25rem; */
.p-2    /* padding: 0.5rem; */
.p-3    /* padding: 0.75rem; */
.p-4    /* padding: 1rem; */
.p-5    /* padding: 1.25rem; */
.p-6    /* padding: 1.5rem; */
.p-8    /* padding: 2rem; */
.p-10   /* padding: 2.5rem; */
.p-12   /* padding: 3rem; */
.p-16   /* padding: 4rem; */
.p-20   /* padding: 5rem; */
.p-24   /* padding: 6rem; */
.p-32   /* padding: 8rem; */
.p-40   /* padding: 10rem; */
.p-48   /* padding: 12rem; */
.p-56   /* padding: 14rem; */
.p-64   /* padding: 16rem; */
.p-px   /* padding: 1px; */
.py-0   /* padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; */
.py-1   /* padding-top: 0.25rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; */
.py-2   /* padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; */
.py-3   /* padding-top: 0.75rem; padding-bottom: 0.75rem; */
.py-4   /* padding-top: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; */
.py-5   /* padding-top: 1.25rem; padding-bottom: 1.25rem; */
.py-6   /* padding-top: 1.5rem; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; */
.py-8   /* padding-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 2rem; */
.py-10  /* padding-top: 2.5rem; padding-bottom: 2.5rem; */
.py-12  /* padding-top: 3rem; padding-bottom: 3rem; */
.py-16  /* padding-top: 4rem; padding-bottom: 4rem; */
.py-20  /* padding-top: 5rem; padding-bottom: 5rem; */
.py-24  /* padding-top: 6rem; padding-bottom: 6rem; */
.py-32  /* padding-top: 8rem; padding-bottom: 8rem; */
.py-40  /* padding-top: 10rem; padding-bottom: 10rem; */
.py-48  /* padding-top: 12rem; padding-bottom: 12rem; */
.py-56  /* padding-top: 14rem; padding-bottom: 14rem; */
.py-64  /* padding-top: 16rem; padding-bottom: 16rem; */
.py-px  /* padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; */
.px-0   /* padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; */
.px-1   /* padding-right: 0.25rem; padding-left: 0.25rem; */
.px-2   /* padding-right: 0.5rem; padding-left: 0.5rem; */
.px-3   /* padding-right: 0.75rem; padding-left: 0.75rem; */
.px-4   /* padding-right: 1rem; padding-left: 1rem; */
.px-5   /* padding-right: 1.25rem; padding-left: 1.25rem; */
.px-6   /* padding-right: 1.5rem; padding-left: 1.5rem; */
.px-8   /* padding-right: 2rem; padding-left: 2rem; */
.px-10  /* padding-right: 2.5rem; padding-left: 2.5rem; */
.px-12  /* padding-right: 3rem; padding-left: 3rem; */
.px-16  /* padding-right: 4rem; padding-left: 4rem; */
.px-20  /* padding-right: 5rem; padding-left: 5rem; */
.px-24  /* padding-right: 6rem; padding-left: 6rem; */
.px-32  /* padding-right: 8rem; padding-left: 8rem; */
.px-40  /* padding-right: 10rem; padding-left: 10rem; */
.px-48  /* padding-right: 12rem; padding-left: 12rem; */
.px-56  /* padding-right: 14rem; padding-left: 14rem; */
.px-64  /* padding-right: 16rem; padding-left: 16rem; */
.px-px  /* padding-right: 1px; padding-left: 1px; */
.pt-0   /* padding-top: 0; */
.pt-1   /* padding-top: 0.25rem; */
.pt-2   /* padding-top: 0.5rem; */
.pt-3   /* padding-top: 0.75rem; */
.pt-4   /* padding-top: 1rem; */
.pt-5   /* padding-top: 1.25rem; */
.pt-6   /* padding-top: 1.5rem; */
.pt-8   /* padding-top: 2rem; */
.pt-10  /* padding-top: 2.5rem; */
.pt-12  /* padding-top: 3rem; */
.pt-16  /* padding-top: 4rem; */
.pt-20  /* padding-top: 5rem; */
.pt-24  /* padding-top: 6rem; */
.pt-32  /* padding-top: 8rem; */
.pt-40  /* padding-top: 10rem; */
.pt-48  /* padding-top: 12rem; */
.pt-56  /* padding-top: 14rem; */
.pt-64  /* padding-top: 16rem; */
.pt-px  /* padding-top: 1px; */
.pr-0   /* padding-right: 0; */
.pr-1   /* padding-right: 0.25rem; */
.pr-2   /* padding-right: 0.5rem; */
.pr-3   /* padding-right: 0.75rem; */
.pr-4   /* padding-right: 1rem; */
.pr-5   /* padding-right: 1.25rem; */
.pr-6   /* padding-right: 1.5rem; */
.pr-8   /* padding-right: 2rem; */
.pr-10  /* padding-right: 2.5rem; */
.pr-12  /* padding-right: 3rem; */
.pr-16  /* padding-right: 4rem; */
.pr-20  /* padding-right: 5rem; */
.pr-24  /* padding-right: 6rem; */
.pr-32  /* padding-right: 8rem; */
.pr-40  /* padding-right: 10rem; */
.pr-48  /* padding-right: 12rem; */
.pr-56  /* padding-right: 14rem; */
.pr-64  /* padding-right: 16rem; */
.pr-px  /* padding-right: 1px; */
.pb-0   /* padding-bottom: 0; */
.pb-1   /* padding-bottom: 0.25rem; */
.pb-2   /* padding-bottom: 0.5rem; */
.pb-3   /* padding-bottom: 0.75rem; */
.pb-4   /* padding-bottom: 1rem; */
.pb-5   /* padding-bottom: 1.25rem; */
.pb-6   /* padding-bottom: 1.5rem; */
.pb-8   /* padding-bottom: 2rem; */
.pb-10  /* padding-bottom: 2.5rem; */
.pb-12  /* padding-bottom: 3rem; */
.pb-16  /* padding-bottom: 4rem; */
.pb-20  /* padding-bottom: 5rem; */
.pb-24  /* padding-bottom: 6rem; */
.pb-32  /* padding-bottom: 8rem; */
.pb-40  /* padding-bottom: 10rem; */
.pb-48  /* padding-bottom: 12rem; */
.pb-56  /* padding-bottom: 14rem; */
.pb-64  /* padding-bottom: 16rem; */
.pb-px  /* padding-bottom: 1px; */
.pl-0   /* padding-left: 0; */
.pl-1   /* padding-left: 0.25rem; */
.pl-2   /* padding-left: 0.5rem; */
.pl-3   /* padding-left: 0.75rem; */
.pl-4   /* padding-left: 1rem; */
.pl-5   /* padding-left: 1.25rem; */
.pl-6   /* padding-left: 1.5rem; */
.pl-8   /* padding-left: 2rem; */
.pl-10  /* padding-left: 2.5rem; */
.pl-12  /* padding-left: 3rem; */
.pl-16  /* padding-left: 4rem; */
.pl-20  /* padding-left: 5rem; */
.pl-24  /* padding-left: 6rem; */
.pl-32  /* padding-left: 8rem; */
.pl-40  /* padding-left: 10rem; */
.pl-48  /* padding-left: 12rem; */
.pl-56  /* padding-left: 14rem; */
.pl-64  /* padding-left: 16rem; */
.pl-px  /* padding-left: 1px; */

 * Margin
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling an element's margin.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for margin utilities.

.m-0      /* margin: 0; */
.m-1      /* margin: 0.25rem; */
.m-2      /* margin: 0.5rem; */
.m-3      /* margin: 0.75rem; */
.m-4      /* margin: 1rem; */
.m-5      /* margin: 1.25rem; */
.m-6      /* margin: 1.5rem; */
.m-8      /* margin: 2rem; */
.m-10     /* margin: 2.5rem; */
.m-12     /* margin: 3rem; */
.m-16     /* margin: 4rem; */
.m-20     /* margin: 5rem; */
.m-24     /* margin: 6rem; */
.m-32     /* margin: 8rem; */
.m-40     /* margin: 10rem; */
.m-48     /* margin: 12rem; */
.m-56     /* margin: 14rem; */
.m-64     /* margin: 16rem; */
.m-auto   /* margin: auto; */
.m-px     /* margin: 1px; */
.-m-1     /* margin: -0.25rem; */
.-m-2     /* margin: -0.5rem; */
.-m-3     /* margin: -0.75rem; */
.-m-4     /* margin: -1rem; */
.-m-5     /* margin: -1.25rem; */
.-m-6     /* margin: -1.5rem; */
.-m-8     /* margin: -2rem; */
.-m-10    /* margin: -2.5rem; */
.-m-12    /* margin: -3rem; */
.-m-16    /* margin: -4rem; */
.-m-20    /* margin: -5rem; */
.-m-24    /* margin: -6rem; */
.-m-32    /* margin: -8rem; */
.-m-40    /* margin: -10rem; */
.-m-48    /* margin: -12rem; */
.-m-56    /* margin: -14rem; */
.-m-64    /* margin: -16rem; */
.-m-px    /* margin: -1px; */
.my-0     /* margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; */
.my-1     /* margin-top: 0.25rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; */
.my-2     /* margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem; */
.my-3     /* margin-top: 0.75rem; margin-bottom: 0.75rem; */
.my-4     /* margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; */
.my-5     /* margin-top: 1.25rem; margin-bottom: 1.25rem; */
.my-6     /* margin-top: 1.5rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; */
.my-8     /* margin-top: 2rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; */
.my-10    /* margin-top: 2.5rem; margin-bottom: 2.5rem; */
.my-12    /* margin-top: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3rem; */
.my-16    /* margin-top: 4rem; margin-bottom: 4rem; */
.my-20    /* margin-top: 5rem; margin-bottom: 5rem; */
.my-24    /* margin-top: 6rem; margin-bottom: 6rem; */
.my-32    /* margin-top: 8rem; margin-bottom: 8rem; */
.my-40    /* margin-top: 10rem; margin-bottom: 10rem; */
.my-48    /* margin-top: 12rem; margin-bottom: 12rem; */
.my-56    /* margin-top: 14rem; margin-bottom: 14rem; */
.my-64    /* margin-top: 16rem; margin-bottom: 16rem; */
.my-auto  /* margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; */
.my-px    /* margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 1px; */
.-my-1    /* margin-top: -0.25rem; margin-bottom: -0.25rem; */
.-my-2    /* margin-top: -0.5rem; margin-bottom: -0.5rem; */
.-my-3    /* margin-top: -0.75rem; margin-bottom: -0.75rem; */
.-my-4    /* margin-top: -1rem; margin-bottom: -1rem; */
.-my-5    /* margin-top: -1.25rem; margin-bottom: -1.25rem; */
.-my-6    /* margin-top: -1.5rem; margin-bottom: -1.5rem; */
.-my-8    /* margin-top: -2rem; margin-bottom: -2rem; */
.-my-10   /* margin-top: -2.5rem; margin-bottom: -2.5rem; */
.-my-12   /* margin-top: -3rem; margin-bottom: -3rem; */
.-my-16   /* margin-top: -4rem; margin-bottom: -4rem; */
.-my-20   /* margin-top: -5rem; margin-bottom: -5rem; */
.-my-24   /* margin-top: -6rem; margin-bottom: -6rem; */
.-my-32   /* margin-top: -8rem; margin-bottom: -8rem; */
.-my-40   /* margin-top: -10rem; margin-bottom: -10rem; */
.-my-48   /* margin-top: -12rem; margin-bottom: -12rem; */
.-my-56   /* margin-top: -14rem; margin-bottom: -14rem; */
.-my-64   /* margin-top: -16rem; margin-bottom: -16rem; */
.-my-px   /* margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px; */
.mx-0     /* margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; */
.mx-1     /* margin-right: 0.25rem; margin-left: 0.25rem; */
.mx-2     /* margin-right: 0.5rem; margin-left: 0.5rem; */
.mx-3     /* margin-right: 0.75rem; margin-left: 0.75rem; */
.mx-4     /* margin-right: 1rem; margin-left: 1rem; */
.mx-5     /* margin-right: 1.25rem; margin-left: 1.25rem; */
.mx-6     /* margin-right: 1.5rem; margin-left: 1.5rem; */
.mx-8     /* margin-right: 2rem; margin-left: 2rem; */
.mx-10    /* margin-right: 2.5rem; margin-left: 2.5rem; */
.mx-12    /* margin-right: 3rem; margin-left: 3rem; */
.mx-16    /* margin-right: 4rem; margin-left: 4rem; */
.mx-20    /* margin-right: 5rem; margin-left: 5rem; */
.mx-24    /* margin-right: 6rem; margin-left: 6rem; */
.mx-32    /* margin-right: 8rem; margin-left: 8rem; */
.mx-40    /* margin-right: 10rem; margin-left: 10rem; */
.mx-48    /* margin-right: 12rem; margin-left: 12rem; */
.mx-56    /* margin-right: 14rem; margin-left: 14rem; */
.mx-64    /* margin-right: 16rem; margin-left: 16rem; */
.mx-auto  /* margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; */
.mx-px    /* margin-right: 1px; margin-left: 1px; */
.-mx-1    /* margin-right: -0.25rem; margin-left: -0.25rem; */
.-mx-2    /* margin-right: -0.5rem; margin-left: -0.5rem; */
.-mx-3    /* margin-right: -0.75rem; margin-left: -0.75rem; */
.-mx-4    /* margin-right: -1rem; margin-left: -1rem; */
.-mx-5    /* margin-right: -1.25rem; margin-left: -1.25rem; */
.-mx-6    /* margin-right: -1.5rem; margin-left: -1.5rem; */
.-mx-8    /* margin-right: -2rem; margin-left: -2rem; */
.-mx-10   /* margin-right: -2.5rem; margin-left: -2.5rem; */
.-mx-12   /* margin-right: -3rem; margin-left: -3rem; */
.-mx-16   /* margin-right: -4rem; margin-left: -4rem; */
.-mx-20   /* margin-right: -5rem; margin-left: -5rem; */
.-mx-24   /* margin-right: -6rem; margin-left: -6rem; */
.-mx-32   /* margin-right: -8rem; margin-left: -8rem; */
.-mx-40   /* margin-right: -10rem; margin-left: -10rem; */
.-mx-48   /* margin-right: -12rem; margin-left: -12rem; */
.-mx-56   /* margin-right: -14rem; margin-left: -14rem; */
.-mx-64   /* margin-right: -16rem; margin-left: -16rem; */
.-mx-px   /* margin-right: -1px; margin-left: -1px; */
.mt-0     /* margin-top: 0; */
.mt-1     /* margin-top: 0.25rem; */
.mt-2     /* margin-top: 0.5rem; */
.mt-3     /* margin-top: 0.75rem; */
.mt-4     /* margin-top: 1rem; */
.mt-5     /* margin-top: 1.25rem; */
.mt-6     /* margin-top: 1.5rem; */
.mt-8     /* margin-top: 2rem; */
.mt-10    /* margin-top: 2.5rem; */
.mt-12    /* margin-top: 3rem; */
.mt-16    /* margin-top: 4rem; */
.mt-20    /* margin-top: 5rem; */
.mt-24    /* margin-top: 6rem; */
.mt-32    /* margin-top: 8rem; */
.mt-40    /* margin-top: 10rem; */
.mt-48    /* margin-top: 12rem; */
.mt-56    /* margin-top: 14rem; */
.mt-64    /* margin-top: 16rem; */
.mt-auto  /* margin-top: auto; */
.mt-px    /* margin-top: 1px; */
.-mt-1    /* margin-top: -0.25rem; */
.-mt-2    /* margin-top: -0.5rem; */
.-mt-3    /* margin-top: -0.75rem; */
.-mt-4    /* margin-top: -1rem; */
.-mt-5    /* margin-top: -1.25rem; */
.-mt-6    /* margin-top: -1.5rem; */
.-mt-8    /* margin-top: -2rem; */
.-mt-10   /* margin-top: -2.5rem; */
.-mt-12   /* margin-top: -3rem; */
.-mt-16   /* margin-top: -4rem; */
.-mt-20   /* margin-top: -5rem; */
.-mt-24   /* margin-top: -6rem; */
.-mt-32   /* margin-top: -8rem; */
.-mt-40   /* margin-top: -10rem; */
.-mt-48   /* margin-top: -12rem; */
.-mt-56   /* margin-top: -14rem; */
.-mt-64   /* margin-top: -16rem; */
.-mt-px   /* margin-top: -1px; */
.mr-0     /* margin-right: 0; */
.mr-1     /* margin-right: 0.25rem; */
.mr-2     /* margin-right: 0.5rem; */
.mr-3     /* margin-right: 0.75rem; */
.mr-4     /* margin-right: 1rem; */
.mr-5     /* margin-right: 1.25rem; */
.mr-6     /* margin-right: 1.5rem; */
.mr-8     /* margin-right: 2rem; */
.mr-10    /* margin-right: 2.5rem; */
.mr-12    /* margin-right: 3rem; */
.mr-16    /* margin-right: 4rem; */
.mr-20    /* margin-right: 5rem; */
.mr-24    /* margin-right: 6rem; */
.mr-32    /* margin-right: 8rem; */
.mr-40    /* margin-right: 10rem; */
.mr-48    /* margin-right: 12rem; */
.mr-56    /* margin-right: 14rem; */
.mr-64    /* margin-right: 16rem; */
.mr-auto  /* margin-right: auto; */
.mr-px    /* margin-right: 1px; */
.-mr-1    /* margin-right: -0.25rem; */
.-mr-2    /* margin-right: -0.5rem; */
.-mr-3    /* margin-right: -0.75rem; */
.-mr-4    /* margin-right: -1rem; */
.-mr-5    /* margin-right: -1.25rem; */
.-mr-6    /* margin-right: -1.5rem; */
.-mr-8    /* margin-right: -2rem; */
.-mr-10   /* margin-right: -2.5rem; */
.-mr-12   /* margin-right: -3rem; */
.-mr-16   /* margin-right: -4rem; */
.-mr-20   /* margin-right: -5rem; */
.-mr-24   /* margin-right: -6rem; */
.-mr-32   /* margin-right: -8rem; */
.-mr-40   /* margin-right: -10rem; */
.-mr-48   /* margin-right: -12rem; */
.-mr-56   /* margin-right: -14rem; */
.-mr-64   /* margin-right: -16rem; */
.-mr-px   /* margin-right: -1px; */
.mb-0     /* margin-bottom: 0; */
.mb-1     /* margin-bottom: 0.25rem; */
.mb-2     /* margin-bottom: 0.5rem; */
.mb-3     /* margin-bottom: 0.75rem; */
.mb-4     /* margin-bottom: 1rem; */
.mb-5     /* margin-bottom: 1.25rem; */
.mb-6     /* margin-bottom: 1.5rem; */
.mb-8     /* margin-bottom: 2rem; */
.mb-10    /* margin-bottom: 2.5rem; */
.mb-12    /* margin-bottom: 3rem; */
.mb-16    /* margin-bottom: 4rem; */
.mb-20    /* margin-bottom: 5rem; */
.mb-24    /* margin-bottom: 6rem; */
.mb-32    /* margin-bottom: 8rem; */
.mb-40    /* margin-bottom: 10rem; */
.mb-48    /* margin-bottom: 12rem; */
.mb-56    /* margin-bottom: 14rem; */
.mb-64    /* margin-bottom: 16rem; */
.mb-auto  /* margin-bottom: auto; */
.mb-px    /* margin-bottom: 1px; */
.-mb-1    /* margin-bottom: -0.25rem; */
.-mb-2    /* margin-bottom: -0.5rem; */
.-mb-3    /* margin-bottom: -0.75rem; */
.-mb-4    /* margin-bottom: -1rem; */
.-mb-5    /* margin-bottom: -1.25rem; */
.-mb-6    /* margin-bottom: -1.5rem; */
.-mb-8    /* margin-bottom: -2rem; */
.-mb-10   /* margin-bottom: -2.5rem; */
.-mb-12   /* margin-bottom: -3rem; */
.-mb-16   /* margin-bottom: -4rem; */
.-mb-20   /* margin-bottom: -5rem; */
.-mb-24   /* margin-bottom: -6rem; */
.-mb-32   /* margin-bottom: -8rem; */
.-mb-40   /* margin-bottom: -10rem; */
.-mb-48   /* margin-bottom: -12rem; */
.-mb-56   /* margin-bottom: -14rem; */
.-mb-64   /* margin-bottom: -16rem; */
.-mb-px   /* margin-bottom: -1px; */
.ml-0     /* margin-left: 0; */
.ml-1     /* margin-left: 0.25rem; */
.ml-2     /* margin-left: 0.5rem; */
.ml-3     /* margin-left: 0.75rem; */
.ml-4     /* margin-left: 1rem; */
.ml-5     /* margin-left: 1.25rem; */
.ml-6     /* margin-left: 1.5rem; */
.ml-8     /* margin-left: 2rem; */
.ml-10    /* margin-left: 2.5rem; */
.ml-12    /* margin-left: 3rem; */
.ml-16    /* margin-left: 4rem; */
.ml-20    /* margin-left: 5rem; */
.ml-24    /* margin-left: 6rem; */
.ml-32    /* margin-left: 8rem; */
.ml-40    /* margin-left: 10rem; */
.ml-48    /* margin-left: 12rem; */
.ml-56    /* margin-left: 14rem; */
.ml-64    /* margin-left: 16rem; */
.ml-auto  /* margin-left: auto; */
.ml-px    /* margin-left: 1px; */
.-ml-1    /* margin-left: -0.25rem; */
.-ml-2    /* margin-left: -0.5rem; */
.-ml-3    /* margin-left: -0.75rem; */
.-ml-4    /* margin-left: -1rem; */
.-ml-5    /* margin-left: -1.25rem; */
.-ml-6    /* margin-left: -1.5rem; */
.-ml-8    /* margin-left: -2rem; */
.-ml-10   /* margin-left: -2.5rem; */
.-ml-12   /* margin-left: -3rem; */
.-ml-16   /* margin-left: -4rem; */
.-ml-20   /* margin-left: -5rem; */
.-ml-24   /* margin-left: -6rem; */
.-ml-32   /* margin-left: -8rem; */
.-ml-40   /* margin-left: -10rem; */
.-ml-48   /* margin-left: -12rem; */
.-ml-56   /* margin-left: -14rem; */
.-ml-64   /* margin-left: -16rem; */
.-ml-px   /* margin-left: -1px; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * Width
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for setting the width of an element
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for width utilities.

.w-0       /* width: 0; */
.w-1       /* width: 0.25rem; */
.w-2       /* width: 0.5rem; */
.w-3       /* width: 0.75rem; */
.w-4       /* width: 1rem; */
.w-5       /* width: 1.25rem; */
.w-6       /* width: 1.5rem; */
.w-8       /* width: 2rem; */
.w-10      /* width: 2.5rem; */
.w-12      /* width: 3rem; */
.w-16      /* width: 4rem; */
.w-20      /* width: 5rem; */
.w-24      /* width: 6rem; */
.w-32      /* width: 8rem; */
.w-40      /* width: 10rem; */
.w-48      /* width: 12rem; */
.w-56      /* width: 14rem; */
.w-64      /* width: 16rem; */
.w-auto    /* width: auto; */
.w-px      /* width: 1px; */
.w-1/2     /* width: 50%; */
.w-1/3     /* width: 33.333333%; */
.w-2/3     /* width: 66.666667%; */
.w-1/4     /* width: 25%; */
.w-2/4     /* width: 50%; */
.w-3/4     /* width: 75%; */
.w-1/5     /* width: 20%; */
.w-2/5     /* width: 40%; */
.w-3/5     /* width: 60%; */
.w-4/5     /* width: 80%; */
.w-1/6     /* width: 16.666667%; */
.w-2/6     /* width: 33.333333%; */
.w-3/6     /* width: 50%; */
.w-4/6     /* width: 66.666667%; */
.w-5/6     /* width: 83.333333%; */
.w-1/12    /* width: 8.333333%; */
.w-2/12    /* width: 16.666667%; */
.w-3/12    /* width: 25%; */
.w-4/12    /* width: 33.333333%; */
.w-5/12    /* width: 41.666667%; */
.w-6/12    /* width: 50%; */
.w-7/12    /* width: 58.333333%; */
.w-8/12    /* width: 66.666667%; */
.w-9/12    /* width: 75%; */
.w-10/12   /* width: 83.333333%; */
.w-11/12   /* width: 91.666667%; */
.w-full    /* width: 100%; */
.w-screen  /* width: 100vw; */

 * Min-Width
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for setting the minimum width of an element
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for min-width utilities.

.min-w-0     /* min-width: 0; */
.min-w-full  /* min-width: 100%; */

 * Max-Width
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for setting the maximum width of an element
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for max-width utilities.

.max-w-xs         /* max-width: 20rem; */
.max-w-sm         /* max-width: 24rem; */
.max-w-md         /* max-width: 28rem; */
.max-w-lg         /* max-width: 32rem; */
.max-w-xl         /* max-width: 36rem; */
.max-w-2xl        /* max-width: 42rem; */
.max-w-3xl        /* max-width: 48rem; */
.max-w-4xl        /* max-width: 56rem; */
.max-w-5xl        /* max-width: 64rem; */
.max-w-6xl        /* max-width: 72rem; */
.max-w-full       /* max-width: 100%; */
.max-w-screen-sm  /* max-width: 640px; */
.max-w-screen-md  /* max-width: 768px; */
.max-w-screen-lg  /* max-width: 1024px; */
.max-w-screen-xl  /* max-width: 1280px; */
.max-w-none       /* max-width: none; */

 * Height
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for setting the height of an element
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for height utilities.

.h-0       /* height: 0; */
.h-1       /* height: 0.25rem; */
.h-2       /* height: 0.5rem; */
.h-3       /* height: 0.75rem; */
.h-4       /* height: 1rem; */
.h-5       /* height: 1.25rem; */
.h-6       /* height: 1.5rem; */
.h-8       /* height: 2rem; */
.h-10      /* height: 2.5rem; */
.h-12      /* height: 3rem; */
.h-16      /* height: 4rem; */
.h-20      /* height: 5rem; */
.h-24      /* height: 6rem; */
.h-32      /* height: 8rem; */
.h-40      /* height: 10rem; */
.h-48      /* height: 12rem; */
.h-56      /* height: 14rem; */
.h-64      /* height: 16rem; */
.h-auto    /* height: auto; */
.h-px      /* height: 1px; */
.h-full    /* height: 100%; */
.h-screen  /* height: 100vh; */

 * Min-Height
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for setting the minimum height of an element
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for min-height utilities.

.min-h-0       /* min-height: 0; */
.min-h-full    /* min-height: 100%; */
.min-h-screen  /* min-height: 100vh; */

 * Max-Height
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for setting the maximum height of an element
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for max-height utilities.

.max-h-full    /* max-height: 100%; */
.max-h-screen  /* max-height: 100vh; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * Font Family
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the font family of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for font family utilities.

.font-sans   /* font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"; */
.font-serif  /* font-family: Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; */
.font-mono   /* font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace; */

 * Font Size
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the font size of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for text sizing utilities.

.text-xs    /* font-size: .75rem; */
.text-sm    /* font-size: .875rem; */
.text-base  /* font-size: 1rem; */
.text-lg    /* font-size: 1.125rem; */
.text-xl    /* font-size: 1.25rem; */
.text-2xl   /* font-size: 1.5rem; */
.text-3xl   /* font-size: 1.875rem; */
.text-4xl   /* font-size: 2.25rem; */
.text-5xl   /* font-size: 3rem; */
.text-6xl   /* font-size: 4rem; */

 * Font Smoothing
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the font smoothing of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for font smoothing utilities.

.antialiased           /* -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; */
.subpixel-antialiased  /* -webkit-font-smoothing: auto; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: auto; */

 * Font Style
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the style of text.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for font style utilities.

.italic      /* font-style: italic; */
.not-italic  /* font-style: normal; */

 * Font Weight
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the font weight of an element.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for font weight utilities.

.font-hairline   /* font-weight: 100; */
.font-thin       /* font-weight: 200; */
.font-light      /* font-weight: 300; */
.font-normal     /* font-weight: 400; */
.font-medium     /* font-weight: 500; */
.font-semibold   /* font-weight: 600; */
.font-bold       /* font-weight: 700; */
.font-extrabold  /* font-weight: 800; */
.font-black      /* font-weight: 900; */

 * Letter Spacing
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the tracking (letter spacing) of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for tracking utilities.

.tracking-tighter  /* letter-spacing: -0.05em; */
.tracking-tight    /* letter-spacing: -0.025em; */
.tracking-normal   /* letter-spacing: 0; */
.tracking-wide     /* letter-spacing: 0.025em; */
.tracking-wider    /* letter-spacing: 0.05em; */
.tracking-widest   /* letter-spacing: 0.1em; */

 * Line Height
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the leading (line height) of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for line height utilities.

.leading-none     /* line-height: 1; */
.leading-tight    /* line-height: 1.25; */
.leading-snug     /* line-height: 1.375; */
.leading-normal   /* line-height: 1.5; */
.leading-relaxed  /* line-height: 1.625; */
.leading-loose    /* line-height: 2; */
.leading-3        /* line-height: .75rem; */
.leading-4        /* line-height: 1rem; */
.leading-5        /* line-height: 1.25rem; */
.leading-6        /* line-height: 1.5rem; */
.leading-7        /* line-height: 1.75rem; */
.leading-8        /* line-height: 2rem; */
.leading-9        /* line-height: 2.25rem; */
.leading-10       /* line-height: 2.5rem; */

 * List Style Type
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the bullet/number style of a list.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for list style type utilities.

.list-none     /* list-style-type: none; */
.list-disc     /* list-style-type: disc; */
.list-decimal  /* list-style-type: decimal; */

 * List Style Position
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the position of bullets/numbers in lists.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for list style position utilities.

.list-inside   /* list-style-position: inside; */
.list-outside  /* list-style-position: outside; */

 * Placeholder Color
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the color of placeholder text.
 * By default, only responsive and focus variants are generated for placeholder color utilities.

 .placeholder-transparent  /* ::placeholder { color: transparent; } */
 .placeholder-black        /* ::placeholder { color: #000; } */
 .placeholder-white        /* ::placeholder { color: #fff; } */
 .placeholder-gray-100     /* ::placeholder { color: #f7fafc; } */
 .placeholder-gray-200     /* ::placeholder { color: #edf2f7; } */
 .placeholder-gray-300     /* ::placeholder { color: #e2e8f0; } */
 .placeholder-gray-400     /* ::placeholder { color: #cbd5e0; } */
 .placeholder-gray-500     /* ::placeholder { color: #a0aec0; } */
 .placeholder-gray-600     /* ::placeholder { color: #718096; } */
 .placeholder-gray-700     /* ::placeholder { color: #4a5568; } */
 .placeholder-gray-800     /* ::placeholder { color: #2d3748; } */
 .placeholder-gray-900     /* ::placeholder { color: #1a202c; } */
 .placeholder-red-100      /* ::placeholder { color: #fff5f5; } */
 .placeholder-red-200      /* ::placeholder { color: #fed7d7; } */
 .placeholder-red-300      /* ::placeholder { color: #feb2b2; } */
 .placeholder-red-400      /* ::placeholder { color: #fc8181; } */
 .placeholder-red-500      /* ::placeholder { color: #f56565; } */
 .placeholder-red-600      /* ::placeholder { color: #e53e3e; } */
 .placeholder-red-700      /* ::placeholder { color: #c53030; } */
 .placeholder-red-800      /* ::placeholder { color: #9b2c2c; } */
 .placeholder-red-900      /* ::placeholder { color: #742a2a; } */
 .placeholder-orange-100   /* ::placeholder { color: #fffaf0; } */
 .placeholder-orange-200   /* ::placeholder { color: #feebc8; } */
 .placeholder-orange-300   /* ::placeholder { color: #fbd38d; } */
 .placeholder-orange-400   /* ::placeholder { color: #f6ad55; } */
 .placeholder-orange-500   /* ::placeholder { color: #ed8936; } */
 .placeholder-orange-600   /* ::placeholder { color: #dd6b20; } */
 .placeholder-orange-700   /* ::placeholder { color: #c05621; } */
 .placeholder-orange-800   /* ::placeholder { color: #9c4221; } */
 .placeholder-orange-900   /* ::placeholder { color: #7b341e; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-100   /* ::placeholder { color: #fffff0; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-200   /* ::placeholder { color: #fefcbf; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-300   /* ::placeholder { color: #faf089; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-400   /* ::placeholder { color: #f6e05e; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-500   /* ::placeholder { color: #ecc94b; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-600   /* ::placeholder { color: #d69e2e; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-700   /* ::placeholder { color: #b7791f; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-800   /* ::placeholder { color: #975a16; } */
 .placeholder-yellow-900   /* ::placeholder { color: #744210; } */
 .placeholder-green-100    /* ::placeholder { color: #f0fff4; } */
 .placeholder-green-200    /* ::placeholder { color: #c6f6d5; } */
 .placeholder-green-300    /* ::placeholder { color: #9ae6b4; } */
 .placeholder-green-400    /* ::placeholder { color: #68d391; } */
 .placeholder-green-500    /* ::placeholder { color: #48bb78; } */
 .placeholder-green-600    /* ::placeholder { color: #38a169; } */
 .placeholder-green-700    /* ::placeholder { color: #2f855a; } */
 .placeholder-green-800    /* ::placeholder { color: #276749; } */
 .placeholder-green-900    /* ::placeholder { color: #22543d; } */
 .placeholder-teal-100     /* ::placeholder { color: #e6fffa; } */
 .placeholder-teal-200     /* ::placeholder { color: #b2f5ea; } */
 .placeholder-teal-300     /* ::placeholder { color: #81e6d9; } */
 .placeholder-teal-400     /* ::placeholder { color: #4fd1c5; } */
 .placeholder-teal-500     /* ::placeholder { color: #38b2ac; } */
 .placeholder-teal-600     /* ::placeholder { color: #319795; } */
 .placeholder-teal-700     /* ::placeholder { color: #2c7a7b; } */
 .placeholder-teal-800     /* ::placeholder { color: #285e61; } */
 .placeholder-teal-900     /* ::placeholder { color: #234e52; } */
 .placeholder-blue-100     /* ::placeholder { color: #ebf8ff; } */
 .placeholder-blue-200     /* ::placeholder { color: #bee3f8; } */
 .placeholder-blue-300     /* ::placeholder { color: #90cdf4; } */
 .placeholder-blue-400     /* ::placeholder { color: #63b3ed; } */
 .placeholder-blue-500     /* ::placeholder { color: #4299e1; } */
 .placeholder-blue-600     /* ::placeholder { color: #3182ce; } */
 .placeholder-blue-700     /* ::placeholder { color: #2b6cb0; } */
 .placeholder-blue-800     /* ::placeholder { color: #2c5282; } */
 .placeholder-blue-900     /* ::placeholder { color: #2a4365; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-100   /* ::placeholder { color: #ebf4ff; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-200   /* ::placeholder { color: #c3dafe; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-300   /* ::placeholder { color: #a3bffa; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-400   /* ::placeholder { color: #7f9cf5; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-500   /* ::placeholder { color: #667eea; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-600   /* ::placeholder { color: #5a67d8; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-700   /* ::placeholder { color: #4c51bf; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-800   /* ::placeholder { color: #434190; } */
 .placeholder-indigo-900   /* ::placeholder { color: #3c366b; } */
 .placeholder-purple-100   /* ::placeholder { color: #faf5ff; } */
 .placeholder-purple-200   /* ::placeholder { color: #e9d8fd; } */
 .placeholder-purple-300   /* ::placeholder { color: #d6bcfa; } */
 .placeholder-purple-400   /* ::placeholder { color: #b794f4; } */
 .placeholder-purple-500   /* ::placeholder { color: #9f7aea; } */
 .placeholder-purple-600   /* ::placeholder { color: #805ad5; } */
 .placeholder-purple-700   /* ::placeholder { color: #6b46c1; } */
 .placeholder-purple-800   /* ::placeholder { color: #553c9a; } */
 .placeholder-purple-900   /* ::placeholder { color: #44337a; } */
 .placeholder-pink-100     /* ::placeholder { color: #fff5f7; } */
 .placeholder-pink-200     /* ::placeholder { color: #fed7e2; } */
 .placeholder-pink-300     /* ::placeholder { color: #fbb6ce; } */
 .placeholder-pink-400     /* ::placeholder { color: #f687b3; } */
 .placeholder-pink-500     /* ::placeholder { color: #ed64a6; } */
 .placeholder-pink-600     /* ::placeholder { color: #d53f8c; } */
 .placeholder-pink-700     /* ::placeholder { color: #b83280; } */
 .placeholder-pink-800     /* ::placeholder { color: #97266d; } */
 .placeholder-pink-900     /* ::placeholder { color: #702459; } */

 * Text Align
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the alignment of text.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for text alignment utilities.

.text-left     /* text-align: left; */
.text-center   /* text-align: center; */
.text-right    /* text-align: right; */
.text-justify  /* text-align: justify; */

 * Text Color
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the text color of an element.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for text color utilities.

 .text-transparent  /* color: transparent; */
 .text-black        /* color: #000; */
 .text-white        /* color: #fff; */
 .text-gray-100     /* color: #f7fafc; */
 .text-gray-200     /* color: #edf2f7; */
 .text-gray-300     /* color: #e2e8f0; */
 .text-gray-400     /* color: #cbd5e0; */
 .text-gray-500     /* color: #a0aec0; */
 .text-gray-600     /* color: #718096; */
 .text-gray-700     /* color: #4a5568; */
 .text-gray-800     /* color: #2d3748; */
 .text-gray-900     /* color: #1a202c; */
 .text-red-100      /* color: #fff5f5; */
 .text-red-200      /* color: #fed7d7; */
 .text-red-300      /* color: #feb2b2; */
 .text-red-400      /* color: #fc8181; */
 .text-red-500      /* color: #f56565; */
 .text-red-600      /* color: #e53e3e; */
 .text-red-700      /* color: #c53030; */
 .text-red-800      /* color: #9b2c2c; */
 .text-red-900      /* color: #742a2a; */
 .text-orange-100   /* color: #fffaf0; */
 .text-orange-200   /* color: #feebc8; */
 .text-orange-300   /* color: #fbd38d; */
 .text-orange-400   /* color: #f6ad55; */
 .text-orange-500   /* color: #ed8936; */
 .text-orange-600   /* color: #dd6b20; */
 .text-orange-700   /* color: #c05621; */
 .text-orange-800   /* color: #9c4221; */
 .text-orange-900   /* color: #7b341e; */
 .text-yellow-100   /* color: #fffff0; */
 .text-yellow-200   /* color: #fefcbf; */
 .text-yellow-300   /* color: #faf089; */
 .text-yellow-400   /* color: #f6e05e; */
 .text-yellow-500   /* color: #ecc94b; */
 .text-yellow-600   /* color: #d69e2e; */
 .text-yellow-700   /* color: #b7791f; */
 .text-yellow-800   /* color: #975a16; */
 .text-yellow-900   /* color: #744210; */
 .text-green-100    /* color: #f0fff4; */
 .text-green-200    /* color: #c6f6d5; */
 .text-green-300    /* color: #9ae6b4; */
 .text-green-400    /* color: #68d391; */
 .text-green-500    /* color: #48bb78; */
 .text-green-600    /* color: #38a169; */
 .text-green-700    /* color: #2f855a; */
 .text-green-800    /* color: #276749; */
 .text-green-900    /* color: #22543d; */
 .text-teal-100     /* color: #e6fffa; */
 .text-teal-200     /* color: #b2f5ea; */
 .text-teal-300     /* color: #81e6d9; */
 .text-teal-400     /* color: #4fd1c5; */
 .text-teal-500     /* color: #38b2ac; */
 .text-teal-600     /* color: #319795; */
 .text-teal-700     /* color: #2c7a7b; */
 .text-teal-800     /* color: #285e61; */
 .text-teal-900     /* color: #234e52; */
 .text-blue-100     /* color: #ebf8ff; */
 .text-blue-200     /* color: #bee3f8; */
 .text-blue-300     /* color: #90cdf4; */
 .text-blue-400     /* color: #63b3ed; */
 .text-blue-500     /* color: #4299e1; */
 .text-blue-600     /* color: #3182ce; */
 .text-blue-700     /* color: #2b6cb0; */
 .text-blue-800     /* color: #2c5282; */
 .text-blue-900     /* color: #2a4365; */
 .text-indigo-100   /* color: #ebf4ff; */
 .text-indigo-200   /* color: #c3dafe; */
 .text-indigo-300   /* color: #a3bffa; */
 .text-indigo-400   /* color: #7f9cf5; */
 .text-indigo-500   /* color: #667eea; */
 .text-indigo-600   /* color: #5a67d8; */
 .text-indigo-700   /* color: #4c51bf; */
 .text-indigo-800   /* color: #434190; */
 .text-indigo-900   /* color: #3c366b; */
 .text-purple-100   /* color: #faf5ff; */
 .text-purple-200   /* color: #e9d8fd; */
 .text-purple-300   /* color: #d6bcfa; */
 .text-purple-400   /* color: #b794f4; */
 .text-purple-500   /* color: #9f7aea; */
 .text-purple-600   /* color: #805ad5; */
 .text-purple-700   /* color: #6b46c1; */
 .text-purple-800   /* color: #553c9a; */
 .text-purple-900   /* color: #44337a; */
 .text-pink-100     /* color: #fff5f7; */
 .text-pink-200     /* color: #fed7e2; */
 .text-pink-300     /* color: #fbb6ce; */
 .text-pink-400     /* color: #f687b3; */
 .text-pink-500     /* color: #ed64a6; */
 .text-pink-600     /* color: #d53f8c; */
 .text-pink-700     /* color: #b83280; */
 .text-pink-800     /* color: #97266d; */
 .text-pink-900     /* color: #702459; */

 * Text Decoration
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the decoration of text.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for text decoration utilities.

.underline     /* text-decoration: underline; */
.line-through  /* text-decoration: line-through; */
.no-underline  /* text-decoration: none; */

 * Text Transform
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the transformation of text.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for text transformation utilities.

.uppercase    /* text-transform: uppercase; */
.lowercase    /* text-transform: lowercase; */
.capitalize   /* text-transform: capitalize; */
.normal-case  /* text-transform: none; */

 * Vertical Align
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the vertical alignment of an inline or table-cell box.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for vertical alignment utilities.

.align-baseline     /* vertical-align: baseline; */
.align-top          /* vertical-align: top; */
.align-middle       /* vertical-align: middle; */
.align-bottom       /* vertical-align: bottom; */
.align-text-top     /* vertical-align: text-top; */
.align-text-bottom  /* vertical-align: text-bottom; */

 * Whitespace
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling an element's white-space property.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for whitespace utilities.

.whitespace-normal    /* white-space: normal; */
.whitespace-no-wrap   /* white-space: nowrap; */
.whitespace-pre       /* white-space: pre; */
.whitespace-pre-line  /* white-space: pre-line; */
.whitespace-pre-wrap  /* white-space: pre-wrap; */

 * Word Break
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling word breaks in an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for word break utilities.

.break-normal  /* word-break: normal; overflow-wrap: normal */
.break-words   /* overflow-wrap: break-word; */
.break-all     /* word-break: break-all; */
.truncate      /* overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how a background image behaves when scrolling.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for background attachment utilities.

.bg-fixed   /* background-attachment: fixed; */
.bg-local   /* background-attachment: local; */
.bg-scroll  /* background-attachment: scroll; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how a background image behaves when scrolling.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for background color utilities.

.bg-transparent  /* background-color: transparent; */
.bg-black        /* background-color: #000; */
.bg-white        /* background-color: #fff; */
.bg-gray-100     /* background-color: #f7fafc; */
.bg-gray-200     /* background-color: #edf2f7; */
.bg-gray-300     /* background-color: #e2e8f0; */
.bg-gray-400     /* background-color: #cbd5e0; */
.bg-gray-500     /* background-color: #a0aec0; */
.bg-gray-600     /* background-color: #718096; */
.bg-gray-700     /* background-color: #4a5568; */
.bg-gray-800     /* background-color: #2d3748; */
.bg-gray-900     /* background-color: #1a202c; */
.bg-red-100      /* background-color: #fff5f5; */
.bg-red-200      /* background-color: #fed7d7; */
.bg-red-300      /* background-color: #feb2b2; */
.bg-red-400      /* background-color: #fc8181; */
.bg-red-500      /* background-color: #f56565; */
.bg-red-600      /* background-color: #e53e3e; */
.bg-red-700      /* background-color: #c53030; */
.bg-red-800      /* background-color: #9b2c2c; */
.bg-red-900      /* background-color: #742a2a; */
.bg-orange-100   /* background-color: #fffaf0; */
.bg-orange-200   /* background-color: #feebc8; */
.bg-orange-300   /* background-color: #fbd38d; */
.bg-orange-400   /* background-color: #f6ad55; */
.bg-orange-500   /* background-color: #ed8936; */
.bg-orange-600   /* background-color: #dd6b20; */
.bg-orange-700   /* background-color: #c05621; */
.bg-orange-800   /* background-color: #9c4221; */
.bg-orange-900   /* background-color: #7b341e; */
.bg-yellow-100   /* background-color: #fffff0; */
.bg-yellow-200   /* background-color: #fefcbf; */
.bg-yellow-300   /* background-color: #faf089; */
.bg-yellow-400   /* background-color: #f6e05e; */
.bg-yellow-500   /* background-color: #ecc94b; */
.bg-yellow-600   /* background-color: #d69e2e; */
.bg-yellow-700   /* background-color: #b7791f; */
.bg-yellow-800   /* background-color: #975a16; */
.bg-yellow-900   /* background-color: #744210; */
.bg-green-100    /* background-color: #f0fff4; */
.bg-green-200    /* background-color: #c6f6d5; */
.bg-green-300    /* background-color: #9ae6b4; */
.bg-green-400    /* background-color: #68d391; */
.bg-green-500    /* background-color: #48bb78; */
.bg-green-600    /* background-color: #38a169; */
.bg-green-700    /* background-color: #2f855a; */
.bg-green-800    /* background-color: #276749; */
.bg-green-900    /* background-color: #22543d; */
.bg-teal-100     /* background-color: #e6fffa; */
.bg-teal-200     /* background-color: #b2f5ea; */
.bg-teal-300     /* background-color: #81e6d9; */
.bg-teal-400     /* background-color: #4fd1c5; */
.bg-teal-500     /* background-color: #38b2ac; */
.bg-teal-600     /* background-color: #319795; */
.bg-teal-700     /* background-color: #2c7a7b; */
.bg-teal-800     /* background-color: #285e61; */
.bg-teal-900     /* background-color: #234e52; */
.bg-blue-100     /* background-color: #ebf8ff; */
.bg-blue-200     /* background-color: #bee3f8; */
.bg-blue-300     /* background-color: #90cdf4; */
.bg-blue-400     /* background-color: #63b3ed; */
.bg-blue-500     /* background-color: #4299e1; */
.bg-blue-600     /* background-color: #3182ce; */
.bg-blue-700     /* background-color: #2b6cb0; */
.bg-blue-800     /* background-color: #2c5282; */
.bg-blue-900     /* background-color: #2a4365; */
.bg-indigo-100   /* background-color: #ebf4ff; */
.bg-indigo-200   /* background-color: #c3dafe; */
.bg-indigo-300   /* background-color: #a3bffa; */
.bg-indigo-400   /* background-color: #7f9cf5; */
.bg-indigo-500   /* background-color: #667eea; */
.bg-indigo-600   /* background-color: #5a67d8; */
.bg-indigo-700   /* background-color: #4c51bf; */
.bg-indigo-800   /* background-color: #434190; */
.bg-indigo-900   /* background-color: #3c366b; */
.bg-purple-100   /* background-color: #faf5ff; */
.bg-purple-200   /* background-color: #e9d8fd; */
.bg-purple-300   /* background-color: #d6bcfa; */
.bg-purple-400   /* background-color: #b794f4; */
.bg-purple-500   /* background-color: #9f7aea; */
.bg-purple-600   /* background-color: #805ad5; */
.bg-purple-700   /* background-color: #6b46c1; */
.bg-purple-800   /* background-color: #553c9a; */
.bg-purple-900   /* background-color: #44337a; */
.bg-pink-100     /* background-color: #fff5f7; */
.bg-pink-200     /* background-color: #fed7e2; */
.bg-pink-300     /* background-color: #fbb6ce; */
.bg-pink-400     /* background-color: #f687b3; */
.bg-pink-500     /* background-color: #ed64a6; */
.bg-pink-600     /* background-color: #d53f8c; */
.bg-pink-700     /* background-color: #b83280; */
.bg-pink-800     /* background-color: #97266d; */
.bg-pink-900     /* background-color: #702459; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how a background image behaves when scrolling.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for background position utilities.

.bg-bottom        /* background-position: bottom; */
.bg-center        /* background-position: center; */
.bg-left          /* background-position: left; */
.bg-left-bottom   /* background-position: left bottom; */
.bg-left-top      /* background-position: left top; */
.bg-right         /* background-position: right; */
.bg-right-bottom  /* background-position: right bottom; */
.bg-right-top     /* background-position: right top; */
.bg-top           /* background-position: top; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the repetition of an element's background image.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for background repeat utilities.

.bg-repeat        /* background-repeat: repeat; */
.bg-no-repeat     /* background-repeat: no-repeat; */
.bg-repeat-x      /* background-repeat: repeat-x; */
.bg-repeat-y      /* background-repeat: repeat-y; */
.bg-repeat-round  /* background-repeat: round; */
.bg-repeat-space  /* background-repeat: space; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the background size of an element's background image.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for background size utilities.

 .bg-auto     /* background-size: auto; */
 .bg-cover    /* background-size: cover; */
 .bg-contain  /* background-size: contain; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the color of an element's borders.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for border color utilities.

.border-transparent  /* border-color: transparent; */
.border-black        /* border-color: #000; */
.border-white        /* border-color: #fff; */
.border-gray-100     /* border-color: #f7fafc; */
.border-gray-200     /* border-color: #edf2f7; */
.border-gray-300     /* border-color: #e2e8f0; */
.border-gray-400     /* border-color: #cbd5e0; */
.border-gray-500     /* border-color: #a0aec0; */
.border-gray-600     /* border-color: #718096; */
.border-gray-700     /* border-color: #4a5568; */
.border-gray-800     /* border-color: #2d3748; */
.border-gray-900     /* border-color: #1a202c; */
.border-red-100      /* border-color: #fff5f5; */
.border-red-200      /* border-color: #fed7d7; */
.border-red-300      /* border-color: #feb2b2; */
.border-red-400      /* border-color: #fc8181; */
.border-red-500      /* border-color: #f56565; */
.border-red-600      /* border-color: #e53e3e; */
.border-red-700      /* border-color: #c53030; */
.border-red-800      /* border-color: #9b2c2c; */
.border-red-900      /* border-color: #742a2a; */
.border-orange-100   /* border-color: #fffaf0; */
.border-orange-200   /* border-color: #feebc8; */
.border-orange-300   /* border-color: #fbd38d; */
.border-orange-400   /* border-color: #f6ad55; */
.border-orange-500   /* border-color: #ed8936; */
.border-orange-600   /* border-color: #dd6b20; */
.border-orange-700   /* border-color: #c05621; */
.border-orange-800   /* border-color: #9c4221; */
.border-orange-900   /* border-color: #7b341e; */
.border-yellow-100   /* border-color: #fffff0; */
.border-yellow-200   /* border-color: #fefcbf; */
.border-yellow-300   /* border-color: #faf089; */
.border-yellow-400   /* border-color: #f6e05e; */
.border-yellow-500   /* border-color: #ecc94b; */
.border-yellow-600   /* border-color: #d69e2e; */
.border-yellow-700   /* border-color: #b7791f; */
.border-yellow-800   /* border-color: #975a16; */
.border-yellow-900   /* border-color: #744210; */
.border-green-100    /* border-color: #f0fff4; */
.border-green-200    /* border-color: #c6f6d5; */
.border-green-300    /* border-color: #9ae6b4; */
.border-green-400    /* border-color: #68d391; */
.border-green-500    /* border-color: #48bb78; */
.border-green-600    /* border-color: #38a169; */
.border-green-700    /* border-color: #2f855a; */
.border-green-800    /* border-color: #276749; */
.border-green-900    /* border-color: #22543d; */
.border-teal-100     /* border-color: #e6fffa; */
.border-teal-200     /* border-color: #b2f5ea; */
.border-teal-300     /* border-color: #81e6d9; */
.border-teal-400     /* border-color: #4fd1c5; */
.border-teal-500     /* border-color: #38b2ac; */
.border-teal-600     /* border-color: #319795; */
.border-teal-700     /* border-color: #2c7a7b; */
.border-teal-800     /* border-color: #285e61; */
.border-teal-900     /* border-color: #234e52; */
.border-blue-100     /* border-color: #ebf8ff; */
.border-blue-200     /* border-color: #bee3f8; */
.border-blue-300     /* border-color: #90cdf4; */
.border-blue-400     /* border-color: #63b3ed; */
.border-blue-500     /* border-color: #4299e1; */
.border-blue-600     /* border-color: #3182ce; */
.border-blue-700     /* border-color: #2b6cb0; */
.border-blue-800     /* border-color: #2c5282; */
.border-blue-900     /* border-color: #2a4365; */
.border-indigo-100   /* border-color: #ebf4ff; */
.border-indigo-200   /* border-color: #c3dafe; */
.border-indigo-300   /* border-color: #a3bffa; */
.border-indigo-400   /* border-color: #7f9cf5; */
.border-indigo-500   /* border-color: #667eea; */
.border-indigo-600   /* border-color: #5a67d8; */
.border-indigo-700   /* border-color: #4c51bf; */
.border-indigo-800   /* border-color: #434190; */
.border-indigo-900   /* border-color: #3c366b; */
.border-purple-100   /* border-color: #faf5ff; */
.border-purple-200   /* border-color: #e9d8fd; */
.border-purple-300   /* border-color: #d6bcfa; */
.border-purple-400   /* border-color: #b794f4; */
.border-purple-500   /* border-color: #9f7aea; */
.border-purple-600   /* border-color: #805ad5; */
.border-purple-700   /* border-color: #6b46c1; */
.border-purple-800   /* border-color: #553c9a; */
.border-purple-900   /* border-color: #44337a; */
.border-pink-100     /* border-color: #fff5f7; */
.border-pink-200     /* border-color: #fed7e2; */
.border-pink-300     /* border-color: #fbb6ce; */
.border-pink-400     /* border-color: #f687b3; */
.border-pink-500     /* border-color: #ed64a6; */
.border-pink-600     /* border-color: #d53f8c; */
.border-pink-700     /* border-color: #b83280; */
.border-pink-800     /* border-color: #97266d; */
.border-pink-900     /* border-color: #702459; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the style of an element's borders.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for border style utilities.

.border-solid   /* border-style: solid; */
.border-dashed  /* border-style: dashed; */
.border-dotted  /* border-style: dotted; */
.border-double  /* border-style: double; */
.border-none    /* border-style: none; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the width of an element's borders.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for border width utilities.

.border      /* border-width: 1px; */
.border-0    /* border-width: 0; */
.border-2    /* border-width: 2px; */
.border-4    /* border-width: 4px; */
.border-8    /* border-width: 8px; */
.border-t    /* border-top-width: 1px; */
.border-r    /* border-right-width: 1px; */
.border-b    /* border-bottom-width: 1px; */
.border-l    /* border-left-width: 1px; */
.border-t-0  /* border-top-width: 0; */
.border-r-0  /* border-right-width: 0; */
.border-b-0  /* border-bottom-width: 0; */
.border-l-0  /* border-left-width: 0; */
.border-t-2  /* border-top-width: 2px; */
.border-r-2  /* border-right-width: 2px; */
.border-b-2  /* border-bottom-width: 2px; */
.border-l-2  /* border-left-width: 2px; */
.border-t-4  /* border-top-width: 4px; */
.border-r-4  /* border-right-width: 4px; */
.border-b-4  /* border-bottom-width: 4px; */
.border-l-4  /* border-left-width: 4px; */
.border-t-8  /* border-top-width: 8px; */
.border-r-8  /* border-right-width: 8px; */
.border-b-8  /* border-bottom-width: 8px; */
.border-l-8  /* border-left-width: 8px; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the border radius of an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for border radius utilities.

.rounded-none     /* border-radius: 0; */
.rounded-sm       /* border-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded          /* border-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-md       /* border-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-lg       /* border-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-full     /* border-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-t-none   /* border-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0; */
.rounded-r-none   /* border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; */
.rounded-b-none   /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; */
.rounded-l-none   /* border-top-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; */
.rounded-t-sm     /* border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-r-sm     /* border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-b-sm     /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-l-sm     /* border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-t        /* border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-r        /* border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-b        /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-l        /* border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-t-md     /* border-top-left-radius: 0.375rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-r-md     /* border-top-right-radius: 0.375rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-b-md     /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.375rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-l-md     /* border-top-left-radius: 0.375rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-t-lg     /* border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-r-lg     /* border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-b-lg     /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-l-lg     /* border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-t-full   /* border-top-left-radius: 9999px; border-top-right-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-r-full   /* border-top-right-radius: 9999px; border-bottom-right-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-b-full   /* border-bottom-right-radius: 9999px; border-bottom-left-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-l-full   /* border-top-left-radius: 9999px; border-bottom-left-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-tl-none  /* border-top-left-radius: 0; */
.rounded-tr-none  /* border-top-right-radius: 0; */
.rounded-br-none  /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0; */
.rounded-bl-none  /* border-bottom-left-radius: 0; */
.rounded-tl-sm    /* border-top-left-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-tr-sm    /* border-top-right-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-br-sm    /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-bl-sm    /* border-bottom-left-radius: 0.125rem; */
.rounded-tl       /* border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-tr       /* border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-br       /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-bl       /* border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem; */
.rounded-tl-md    /* border-top-left-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-tr-md    /* border-top-right-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-br-md    /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-bl-md    /* border-bottom-left-radius: 0.375rem; */
.rounded-tl-lg    /* border-top-left-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-tr-lg    /* border-top-right-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-br-lg    /* border-bottom-right-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-bl-lg    /* border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5rem; */
.rounded-tl-full  /* border-top-left-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-tr-full  /* border-top-right-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-br-full  /* border-bottom-right-radius: 9999px; */
.rounded-bl-full  /* border-bottom-left-radius: 9999px; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the table layout algorithm.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for table layout utilities.

.table-auto   /* table-layout: auto; */
.table-fixed  /* table-layout: fixed; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling whether table borders should collapse or be separated.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for border collapse utilities.

.border-collapse  /* border-collapse: collapse; */
.border-separate  /* border-collapse: separate; */
/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the box shadow of an element.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for box shadow utilities.

.shadow-xs       /* box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); */
.shadow-sm       /* box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); */
.shadow          /* box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); */
.shadow-md       /* box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); */
.shadow-lg       /* box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); */
.shadow-xl       /* box-shadow: 0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); */
.shadow-2xl      /* box-shadow: 0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); */
.shadow-inner    /* box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); */
.shadow-outline  /* box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.5); */
.shadow-none     /* box-shadow: none; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the opacity of an element.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for opacity utilities.

.opacity-100  /* opacity: 1; */
.opacity-75   /* opacity: .75; */
.opacity-50   /* opacity: .5; */
.opacity-25   /* opacity: .25; */
.opacity-0    /* opacity: 0; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling which CSS properties transition.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for transition-property utilities.

.transition-none       /* transition-property: none; */
.transition-all        /* transition-property: all; */
.transition            /* transition-property: background-color, border-color, color, fill, stroke, opacity, box-shadow, transform; */
.transition-colors     /* transition-property: background-color, border-color, color, fill, stroke; */
.transition-opacity    /* transition-property: opacity; */
.transition-shadow     /* transition-property: box-shadow; */
.transition-transform  /* transition-property: transform; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the duration of CSS transitions.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for transition-duration utilities.

.duration-75    /* transition-duration: 75ms; */
.duration-100   /* transition-duration: 100ms; */
.duration-150   /* transition-duration: 150ms; */
.duration-200   /* transition-duration: 200ms; */
.duration-300   /* transition-duration: 300ms; */
.duration-500   /* transition-duration: 500ms; */
.duration-700   /* transition-duration: 700ms; */
.duration-1000  /* transition-duration: 1000ms; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the easing of CSS transitions.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for transition-timing-function utilities.

.ease-linear  /* transition-timing-function: linear; */
.ease-in      /* transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1); */
.ease-out     /* transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); */
.ease-in-out  /* transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for scaling elements with transform.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for scale utilities.

.scale-0      /* --transform-scale-x: 0; --transform-scale-y: 0; */
.scale-50     /* --transform-scale-x: .5; --transform-scale-y: .5; */
.scale-75     /* --transform-scale-x: .75; --transform-scale-y: .75; */
.scale-90     /* --transform-scale-x: .9; --transform-scale-y: .9; */
.scale-95     /* --transform-scale-x: .95; --transform-scale-y: .95; */
.scale-100    /* --transform-scale-x: 1; --transform-scale-y: 1; */
.scale-105    /* --transform-scale-x: 1.05; --transform-scale-y: 1.05; */
.scale-110    /* --transform-scale-x: 1.1; --transform-scale-y: 1.1; */
.scale-125    /* --transform-scale-x: 1.25; --transform-scale-y: 1.25; */
.scale-150    /* --transform-scale-x: 1.5; --transform-scale-y: 1.5; */
.scale-x-0    /* --transform-scale-x: 0; */
.scale-x-50   /* --transform-scale-x: .5; */
.scale-x-75   /* --transform-scale-x: .75; */
.scale-x-90   /* --transform-scale-x: .9; */
.scale-x-95   /* --transform-scale-x: .95; */
.scale-x-100  /* --transform-scale-x: 1; */
.scale-x-105  /* --transform-scale-x: 1.05; */
.scale-x-110  /* --transform-scale-x: 1.1; */
.scale-x-125  /* --transform-scale-x: 1.25; */
.scale-x-150  /* --transform-scale-x: 1.5; */
.scale-y-0    /* --transform-scale-y: 0; */
.scale-y-50   /* --transform-scale-y: .5; */
.scale-y-75   /* --transform-scale-y: .75; */
.scale-y-90   /* --transform-scale-y: .9; */
.scale-y-95   /* --transform-scale-y: .95; */
.scale-y-100  /* --transform-scale-y: 1; */
.scale-y-105  /* --transform-scale-y: 1.05; */
.scale-y-110  /* --transform-scale-y: 1.1; */
.scale-y-125  /* --transform-scale-y: 1.25; */
.scale-y-150  /* --transform-scale-y: 1.5; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for rotating elements with transform.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for rotate utilities.

.rotate-0     /* --transform-rotate: 0; */
.rotate-45    /* --transform-rotate: 45deg; */
.rotate-90    /* --transform-rotate: 90deg; */
.rotate-180   /* --transform-rotate: 180deg; */
.-rotate-180  /* --transform-rotate: -180deg; */
.-rotate-90   /* --transform-rotate: -90deg; */
.-rotate-45   /* --transform-rotate: -45deg; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for translating elements with transform.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for translate utilities.

.translate-x-0      /* --transform-translate-x: 0; */
.translate-x-1      /* --transform-translate-x: 0.25rem; */
.translate-x-2      /* --transform-translate-x: 0.5rem; */
.translate-x-3      /* --transform-translate-x: 0.75rem; */
.translate-x-4      /* --transform-translate-x: 1rem; */
.translate-x-5      /* --transform-translate-x: 1.25rem; */
.translate-x-6      /* --transform-translate-x: 1.5rem; */
.translate-x-8      /* --transform-translate-x: 2rem; */
.translate-x-10     /* --transform-translate-x: 2.5rem; */
.translate-x-12     /* --transform-translate-x: 3rem; */
.translate-x-16     /* --transform-translate-x: 4rem; */
.translate-x-20     /* --transform-translate-x: 5rem; */
.translate-x-24     /* --transform-translate-x: 6rem; */
.translate-x-32     /* --transform-translate-x: 8rem; */
.translate-x-40     /* --transform-translate-x: 10rem; */
.translate-x-48     /* --transform-translate-x: 12rem; */
.translate-x-56     /* --transform-translate-x: 14rem; */
.translate-x-64     /* --transform-translate-x: 16rem; */
.translate-x-px     /* --transform-translate-x: 1px; */
.-translate-x-1     /* --transform-translate-x: -0.25rem; */
.-translate-x-2     /* --transform-translate-x: -0.5rem; */
.-translate-x-3     /* --transform-translate-x: -0.75rem; */
.-translate-x-4     /* --transform-translate-x: -1rem; */
.-translate-x-5     /* --transform-translate-x: -1.25rem; */
.-translate-x-6     /* --transform-translate-x: -1.5rem; */
.-translate-x-8     /* --transform-translate-x: -2rem; */
.-translate-x-10    /* --transform-translate-x: -2.5rem; */
.-translate-x-12    /* --transform-translate-x: -3rem; */
.-translate-x-16    /* --transform-translate-x: -4rem; */
.-translate-x-20    /* --transform-translate-x: -5rem; */
.-translate-x-24    /* --transform-translate-x: -6rem; */
.-translate-x-32    /* --transform-translate-x: -8rem; */
.-translate-x-40    /* --transform-translate-x: -10rem; */
.-translate-x-48    /* --transform-translate-x: -12rem; */
.-translate-x-56    /* --transform-translate-x: -14rem; */
.-translate-x-64    /* --transform-translate-x: -16rem; */
.-translate-x-px    /* --transform-translate-x: -1px; */
.-translate-x-full  /* --transform-translate-x: -100%; */
.-translate-x-1/2   /* --transform-translate-x: -50%; */
.translate-x-1/2    /* --transform-translate-x: 50%; */
.translate-x-full   /* --transform-translate-x: 100%; */
.translate-y-0      /* --transform-translate-y: 0; */
.translate-y-1      /* --transform-translate-y: 0.25rem; */
.translate-y-2      /* --transform-translate-y: 0.5rem; */
.translate-y-3      /* --transform-translate-y: 0.75rem; */
.translate-y-4      /* --transform-translate-y: 1rem; */
.translate-y-5      /* --transform-translate-y: 1.25rem; */
.translate-y-6      /* --transform-translate-y: 1.5rem; */
.translate-y-8      /* --transform-translate-y: 2rem; */
.translate-y-10     /* --transform-translate-y: 2.5rem; */
.translate-y-12     /* --transform-translate-y: 3rem; */
.translate-y-16     /* --transform-translate-y: 4rem; */
.translate-y-20     /* --transform-translate-y: 5rem; */
.translate-y-24     /* --transform-translate-y: 6rem; */
.translate-y-32     /* --transform-translate-y: 8rem; */
.translate-y-40     /* --transform-translate-y: 10rem; */
.translate-y-48     /* --transform-translate-y: 12rem; */
.translate-y-56     /* --transform-translate-y: 14rem; */
.translate-y-64     /* --transform-translate-y: 16rem; */
.translate-y-px     /* --transform-translate-y: 1px; */
.-translate-y-1     /* --transform-translate-y: -0.25rem; */
.-translate-y-2     /* --transform-translate-y: -0.5rem; */
.-translate-y-3     /* --transform-translate-y: -0.75rem; */
.-translate-y-4     /* --transform-translate-y: -1rem; */
.-translate-y-5     /* --transform-translate-y: -1.25rem; */
.-translate-y-6     /* --transform-translate-y: -1.5rem; */
.-translate-y-8     /* --transform-translate-y: -2rem; */
.-translate-y-10    /* --transform-translate-y: -2.5rem; */
.-translate-y-12    /* --transform-translate-y: -3rem; */
.-translate-y-16    /* --transform-translate-y: -4rem; */
.-translate-y-20    /* --transform-translate-y: -5rem; */
.-translate-y-24    /* --transform-translate-y: -6rem; */
.-translate-y-32    /* --transform-translate-y: -8rem; */
.-translate-y-40    /* --transform-translate-y: -10rem; */
.-translate-y-48    /* --transform-translate-y: -12rem; */
.-translate-y-56    /* --transform-translate-y: -14rem; */
.-translate-y-64    /* --transform-translate-y: -16rem; */
.-translate-y-px    /* --transform-translate-y: -1px; */
.-translate-y-full  /* --transform-translate-y: -100%; */
.-translate-y-1/2   /* --transform-translate-y: -50%; */
.translate-y-1/2    /* --transform-translate-y: 50%; */
.translate-y-full   /* --transform-translate-y: 100%; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for translating elements with transform.
 * By default, only responsive, hover and focus variants are generated for skew utilities.

.skew-x-0    /* --transform-skew-x: 0; */
.skew-x-3    /* --transform-skew-x: 3deg; */
.skew-x-6    /* --transform-skew-x: 6deg; */
.skew-x-12   /* --transform-skew-x: 12deg; */
.-skew-x-12  /* --transform-skew-x: -12deg; */
.-skew-x-6   /* --transform-skew-x: -6deg; */
.-skew-x-3   /* --transform-skew-x: -3deg; */
.skew-y-0    /* --transform-skew-y: 0; */
.skew-y-3    /* --transform-skew-y: 3deg; */
.skew-y-6    /* --transform-skew-y: 6deg; */
.skew-y-12   /* --transform-skew-y: 12deg; */
.-skew-y-12  /* --transform-skew-y: -12deg; */
.-skew-y-6   /* --transform-skew-y: -6deg; */
.-skew-y-3   /* --transform-skew-y: -3deg; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for specifying the origin for an element's transformations.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for transform-origin utilities.

.origin-center        /* transform-origin: center; */
.origin-top           /* transform-origin: top; */
.origin-top-right     /* transform-origin: top right; */
.origin-right         /* transform-origin: right; */
.origin-bottom-right  /* transform-origin: bottom right; */
.origin-bottom        /* transform-origin: bottom; */
.origin-bottom-left   /* transform-origin: bottom left; */
.origin-left          /* transform-origin: left; */
.origin-top-left      /* transform-origin: top left; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for suppressing native form control styling.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for appearance utilities.

.appearance-none  /* appearance: none; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling the cursor style when hovering over an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for cursor utilities.

.cursor-auto         /* cursor: auto; */
.cursor-default      /* cursor: default; */
.cursor-pointer      /* cursor: pointer; */
.cursor-wait         /* cursor: wait; */
.cursor-text         /* cursor: text; */
.cursor-move         /* cursor: move; */
.cursor-not-allowed  /* cursor: not-allowed; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling an element's outline.
 * By default, only focus variants are generated for outline utilities.

.outline-none  /* outline: 0; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling whether an element responds to pointer events.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for pointer event utilities.

.pointer-events-none  /* pointer-events: none; */
.pointer-events-auto  /* pointer-events: auto; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling how an element can be resized.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for resizing utilities.

.resize-none  /* resize: none; */
.resize       /* resize: both; */
.resize-y     /* resize: vertical; */
.resize-x     /* resize: horizontal; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for controlling whether the user can select text in an element.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for user-select utilities.

.select-none  /* user-select: none; */
.select-text  /* user-select: text; */
.select-all   /* user-select: all; */
.select-auto  /* user-select: auto; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * SVG
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for styling the fill of SVG elements.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for fill utilities.

.fill-current  /* fill: currentColor; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for styling the stroke of SVG elements.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for stroke utilities.

.stroke-current  /* stroke: currentColor; */

 * --------------------
 * Utilities for styling the stroke width of SVG elements.
 * By default, only responsive variants are generated for stroke-width utilities.

.stroke-0  /* stroke-width: 0; */
.stroke-1  /* stroke-width: 1; */
.stroke-2  /* stroke-width: 2; */

/* *******************************************************************************************
 * ******************************************************************************************* */
 * --------------------
 * Utilities for improving accessibility with screen readers.
 * By default, only responsive, hover, focus and active variants are generated for accessibility utilities.

.sr-only      /* position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); white-space: nowrap; border-width: 0; */
.not-sr-only  /* position: static; width: auto; height: auto; padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: visible; clip: auto; white-space: normal; */